Tuesday, February 7, 2012


   I am currently reading the book called Guys Write For Guys Read. It is by Jon Scieszka. It is an autobiography book talking about different stories that people wrote. Some are on realife stories or on made up mythical things that they came up with in there minds. This book was mainly pointed for boys to read but I can recommened that girls will want to read about this book too. My favorite story that I read in this book so far was the story called Boys,beer,barf,and bonding. It is about and kid and his dad who go on a trip with a couple of there friends. And they had gotten stop for food on there way back to there house. On the way they both had to throw up but his mom wasn't home. And they both didn't have keys. So they had to find a way to get in side of the house they had hard to get in. So accidentally they both barfed all over themselves. Once there mom got home they both got cleaned up. And that is how they both bonded toghether. I recommended this book to all middle school boys.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


   I am currently reading the book The Hunger Games. The author of this book is Suzanne Collins. The main characters are Katniss,Prim,Gale,Peeta,Avox,Haymitch,and Buttercup. A girl named Katniss lives in different districts that the capitol setup. the setting of this story takes place in District 12. The story is about how kids have to fight for life death and survival. Katniss lives with her mom and her sister Prim they live in district 12 although District 12 isn't the richest place to live. District 12 was the lowest and poorest District of them all. Katniss mom is overshadowed and still mourning the death of her husband who was killed in a mime accident. Katniss see's that her mom is to depressed to do anything not even take care of them. So katniss decides to take over and help raise up her little sister. Later on in the story Katniss Is drafted into battling other kids in a fight for life or death. She is chosen to fight her friend Peeta. Now and her friend have to find out a plan to save both of there lifes.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rj #15

  The book I am currently reading is the Spiderwick Chronicles  Goblins attack. The authors of this book is Tony Diterlizzi and Holly Black. The Characters of this book are Jared Grace,Simon,Mallory,and Arthur. This books genre is Fanatsy. This book is about mystery clues and lots of hardcore things. Arthur goes into to a closet at the town library where he finds a book called Spiderwick Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You. He finds him selfreading about mythical creatures. Author starts to dream about himself inside the mythical world. While Mallory is looking through old newspapers from 1910,1927,and 1885. The main part of this story was that Two kids are finding theme selves stuck in ma world with goblins that they have to fight off. I recommened this book to students that like to read books with clues and lots of creatures. I would rate this book a 8/10.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

this supposed to be journal 14 i wrote 13 by mistake

Rj #13

  I am reading now the book Shoeless Joe & Me. The author of this book I Dan Gutman. Critics have called this book Good entertaining and very fun to read. I likto read this book when i am bored or have nothing to do. The characters in this book are Greg Horwitz,Shoeless Joe Jackson, and many more. This is about a baseball player called Shoeless Joe Jackson. And he has a very bad gambling addiction when his career is destroyed. It was 1919 at the time. He must now be able to get out of the scandal or his baseball life is over. The genre of this book is realistic fiction and the setting is taken in Boston. He had a rough life after this news got out now he has to find away to get out this mess. I recommened this book to middle school students who are stuck in abig situation.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

RJ #11

I am currently reading the short story The Lottery. The genre of this book is short story. It is about a boy named Bobby Martin he lives in a small village. He lives with his a brother named Baxter and his dad. His neighbors name is Mr.Summers. The lottery is an event established at the same time as the square dances where. Old man Warner was the oldest man in the town. Mr. Summers had no children but he had a wife that was dull and boring. And Mr.Graves was in charge in all of the towns festivities.

The original paraphernalia for the lotteryhad been lost long ago. Mr. Summers had spoken frequently to the villagers. It was about making a new box for the lottery. The box was representyed for a story. It was a big huge box with lots of facts inside of it. It was very valuable and very fragile. Mr.Martins older son Baxter was holding box while Mr.Summers was stirring through the papers. I recommend this book to all middle school students who love short story.

RJ #12

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

RJ #12


Im am currently reading Anne Frank the diary of a young girl. The author of this book Is Eleanor Roosevelt. The setting of this story is in Frankfurt Germany. Anne Frank is a thirteen year old Jewish girl who had a tough life as a teenager. And her town was taken over by Nazis She is only allowed to go out at a certain time. And has to be inside at a certain time. And she could only be at certain shops and parks. She was not allowed in the movies and not allowed in non Jewish places. They were kept under control of the Nazis. Anne Frank and her family fled from there homes and went to Amsterdam Germany.

After hiding in Amsterdam she was betrayed by the Gestapo.The family Thought they could trust them. But there luck was turned down. Because the Gestapo then went to the Nazis and told them where they where hiding. And then the Nazis came to there hiding place And captured them and took them all to a concetration camp. Where they were either executed or forced to work. I recommended this book to middle school students who love to read memoir books. The Genre of this book is memoir